Trend: Markedspladser
Online salg på Danmarks fem største eksportmarkeder domineres af store markedspladsspillere som Amazon og Alibaba. Men der findes også mange niche online markedspladser som fx danske Vivino for salg af vin eller canadiske Vendasta for B2B salg af software. De danske virksomheder skal til at tage stilling til hvilken mulighed markedspladser er for dem. E-eksport? Kontrol? Mærkekendskab? E-eksport […]
From damage control to a future in control
This article was originally published on the Mono Blog, Mono Weekly, a blogpost series written by senior specialist within MarTech. 2020 is history, and many things changed forever. The new normal comes with it a myriad of new trends, so which is the most important to you? And how are you going to take advantage of […]