
Trend: Markedspladser
Online salg på Danmarks fem største eksportmarkeder domineres af store markedspladsspillere som Amazon og Alibaba. Men der findes også mange niche online markedspladser som fx

Trend: Social commerce
Social commerce er den næste digitale shopping revolution, og den vil ændre folks indkøbsadfærd lige så vel, som internethandel har gjort det de seneste tyve

Trend: Den digitale kunderejse, vejen til vækst
Webrooming har disrupted kunderejsen for altid, og producenter bliver nødt til at tage ejerskab for brandoplevelsen, der starter online med en søgning. I disse år

Customer Experience is the new marketing
Marketing is the way in which products are advertised and sold to consumers. With each industrial revolution, we have seen shifts in how products, services, and businesses are marketed to potential customers.
We are currently in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where modern smart technology – such as the internet, artificial intelligence, robotics, and more – help automate traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, as well as marketing. Now, there is a wealth of opportunity for businesses to differentiate themselves from their competitors and create both a unique brand as well as a unique experience for their customers.

From damage control to a future in control
This article was originally published on the Mono Blog, Mono Weekly, a blogpost series written by senior specialist within MarTech. 2020 is history, and many things

Mega Trend 3: Customer Experience – The New Age Way
Customer Experience er tredje Mega Trend – jeg kalder den her for “UBER – metoden”. Customer Experience er større end marketing, det er en ledelsesfilosofi, og en
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